Hicksville Roofing: Article About Modified Bitumen Roofs
Bitumen is often used interchangeably with asphalt, but it's actually any hydrocarbon mixture that comes from coal or petroleum that is added to asphalt or tar to provide a waterproof seal. In addition to roofing applications, bitumen is used in road surfacing and industrial-grade fuel and is frequently found in construction materials.
Hicksville roofing contractor answers a question: How long should a modified bitumen roof last?Most modified bitumen roofs will offer good waterproof protection for 10 to 20 years, depending on the building, weather and installation conditions. Life expectancy for a modified bitumen roof can also depend upon the number of layers installed. Most modified bitumen roof manufacturers offer long-term warranties on the product and installation when customers use factory-approved roofing contractors.

Combining the benefits of strong built-up roofs with the convenient installation of single-ply roof membranes, modified bitumen roof systems are a popular option for commercial structures. Developed abroad in the 1960s, modified bitumen roofs began topping American buildings in the 1970s, and they have been a trustworthy roofing system ever since.
Because of its stellar track record, your professional Hicksville roofing contractor may want you to take a look at modified bitumen systems for your new roof. Knowing the system's benefits and disadvantages can help you work with your roofer to make an informed, smart decision.
Modified bitumen roofs, sometimes referred to as modbit roofs, are essentially built-up roofs pre-assembled at the factory and formed into a single roofing membrane. The membrane is made with alternating layers of asphalt and reinforcing material covered with a cap sheet. Those not factory-surfaced with cap sheets are surfaced with aluminum or white coating during installation. Whether pre-surfaced or not, both options provide a convenient single membrane installation not found with built-up roofs.
Modified bitumen contains polymer additives like APP modifiers that give the bitumen asphalt a plasticized character and SBS polymers that make the bitumen more flexible. As a result, there are several modified bitumen options, including APP membranes and SBS membranes. Each offers a different quality to the roofing system.
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Like built-up roofs, the membranes can be layered on site to provide additional protection. With the layered protection and simplified installation, these roofs have much to offer. Building owners appreciate the roof's sturdiness and its ability to resist punctures, tears and heavy traffic. This toughness sets it apart from many other roofing systems.
Modified bitumen also withstands very cold and hot temperatures, provides excellent water resistance and is a proven high-performance roofing system. It can be surfaced with a "cool" roof for greater energy efficiency and installed with VOC-free adhesives in some cases.
Designers and architects appreciate modified bitumen's visual appeal. Unlike many other roofing options, mineral-surfaced modified bitumen roofs are available in a variety of colors. This allows consumers to choose a roof that enhances the building design and matches other roofing materials.
Most of the potential issues with modified bitumen roofs are a result of installation or structural issues, so choosing a professional commercial roofer is important. Possible problems include seams that cause backwater laps, inadequate membrane attachment or installing on a roof that experiences ponding. All of these issues can be avoided if a qualified, high-quality local roofer performs the installation.
Overall, modified bitumen roofs offer cost-effective, robust protective systems for commercial buildings and are often preferred by consumers and roofers alike. If you are considering a modified bitumen roof for your business, talk to your local roofer about these issues and any regional conditions that may affect a modified bitumen roof.