Hicksville Roofing: Article About Winterizing Your Home
Also called drainspouts, downspouts are vertical pipes running from the roof edge to the ground. Their purpose is to carry water from the gutter to the ground, where it spills out away from the home's foundation. A variety of downspouts is available, from square and round downspouts to artistic, designer versions. Rain chains and rain cups serve similar functions.
Hicksville roofing FAQ: Is winterizing my roof really necessary?If your roof is regularly checked and maintained, you probably don't need to make a special effort to prepare for winter. However, some winters can be harsher than expected, and ill-prepared roofs can suffer the consequences. Checking your roof between large storms is a good idea, even if your roof is regularly maintained. With investments as important as roofs, a little preventive action can ward off costly repairs and damage.

Ice dams, wind-torn shingles and water seepage can turn your winter wonderland into a winter nightmare. Fortunately, you can head off roof-related winter woes by taking a few steps every autumn to winterize your roof and ensure that it is ready for winter's wild storms and cold temperatures.
If you already have regularly scheduled maintenance appointments with your Hicksville roofing professionals, you probably won't have much winterizing to do. If you don't regularly check your roof, though, fall is the time to gear up and head outside to prepare for winter.
First, check all of your landscaping. Do you have water oaks or other messy trees that can shed leaves and acorns into your gutters and onto your roof? Or worse, are there branches that are in danger of falling on your roof? If the answer is "yes," trim those trees and branches back or consult with a tree expert to make sure the tree and its major limbs are solid and disease-free. Tall bushes and creeping vines near your home can also present problems if they reach the roof line, so cut them back.
Clean gutters and downspouts, and flush them with water if they are clogged.
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As you are flushing out the downspouts, check the ground around them to make sure that they are draining water away from the house. Check flashing around the chimney and other protrusions, survey the drip edges and make sure your gutters are properly attached to the roof. If flashing is loose or the caulking is dried out, pull off the caulking, tighten fastenings and re-caulk or re-seal the edges. If necessary, re-attach gutters.
If you have an asphalt shingle roof, look for torn or significantly cracked shingles. Those will need to be replaced. If you see loose or displaced shingles, re-attach them with roofing cement. Similarly, if you have a tile roof, look for loose or broken tiles that need to be re-attached or replaced.
Back inside your home, take a close look for water stains or softened drywall along your walls and ceilings. Those signs might indicate a possible leak. Then, check attic venting and insulation. Properly vented roofs and adequate attic insulation will keep your home's heat from seeping into the roof. Without these precautions, your home's heat can transfer to the roof and cause ice dams and icicles to form at your roof's edges.
Preparing your home's roof for a wide range of winter weather doesn't have to take a long time, and it can save you plenty of hassles and money in the long run. For more specific information about winterizing your home, consult with your roofer.